a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
Acupuncture can have a beneficial effect on:
- acute and chronic pain and dysfunction of the entire musculoskeletal system
- to support weight loss, sleep disorders, smoking cessation
headache, migraine - peripheral circulatory disorders
- wear and tear of thumb saddle joint [rhizarthrosis], knee joint [gonarthrosis], hip joint [coxarthrosis], ankle joint
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is used as part of a therapeutic concept to treat a wide variety of medical conditions. Western-oriented approaches to acupuncture have also been able to significantly improve the efficiency of treatment, especially in the musculoskeletal system. Sterile disposable needles are used, which are inserted into specific points.
In acupuncture, sterile disposable needles mostly made of steel of various lengths and thicknesses are inserted into specific points on the body. Microsystems such as the ear, in which the entire organism is represented, are also often used. Needling is more frequent in acute diseases and less frequent in chronic diseases. As a consequence, hematomas can occur due to the puncture of small vessels. Occasionally there are vegetative reactions (dizziness, circulatory disorders, fatigue, etc.) Very effective is often the use of moxa cones, whereby the embers of the smoldering mugwort herb supply heat through the needle.
Please ask your attending physician about the costs.
Acupuncture is not a benefit of the statutory health insurance, not of all health insurances or professional accident insurances. In individual cases, the costs may be covered by the health insurances/insurances. However, these costs are often tax deductible.
For self-payers and privately insured persons, we bill according to the scale of charges for physicians (GOÄ).