Individual healthcare services
Our individual health services

ACP® therapy and SVF® therapy
The desire to replace worn or worn-out tissue with stem cells has preoccupied mankind for tens of years. This is because every human being carries stem cells inside him or her. To date, stem cell extraction from many tissues of the body has already been successfully implemented
Mesenchymal stem cells are found in increased numbers in adipose tissue (1000x more than in bone marrow). SVF (stromavascular fraction) takes advantage of this fact.
ACP therapy as well as SVF therapy can have a favorable influence on:
- Osteoarthritis (wear and tear of the knee, hip, shoulder or other joints)
- Subacromial syndrome
- Acute sports injury of the musculoskeletal system, ligaments and tendons
- Tendonitis
- Scar pain
- Treatment of chronic wounds, including infected wounds such as MRSA

Acupuncture can have a beneficial effect on:
- Acute and chronic pain and dysfunction of the entire musculoskeletal system
- to support weight loss, sleep disorders, smoking cessation
- Headache, migraine
- peripheral circulatory disorders
- Wear diseases of thumb saddle joint [rhizarthrosis], knee joint [gonarthrosis], hip joint [coxarthrosis], ankle joint

Posture improving insoles

Hay fever therapy

Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluron therapy can have a beneficial effect on:
- Omarthrosis (shoulder joint wear and tear)
- Gonarthrosis (wear and tear of the knee joint)
- Ankle joint wear
- Coxarthrosis (wear and tear of the hip joint)

Kinesio taping can have a beneficial effect on:
- Acute and chronic back pain (neck, thoracic and lumbar spine)
- Blocking (dislocations) of the spine
- Tennis elbow ("mouse elbow")
- Golfer's Elbow
- Tendonitis
- Extensor tendon compartment irritation (Tendovaginitis de Quervain)
- Muscle and tendon pain in the trunk area
- Shoulder complaints
- Lymphatic congestion (also after operations)
- Wear from the knee joint
- Achilles tendon pain
- Sports injury such as torn muscle fibers, torn ligaments as well as stretched ligaments

Laser therapy and laser-assisted acupuncture
Laser therapy can have a beneficial effect on:
- Shoulder pain, also in the acromioclavicular joint
- Elbow: tennis elbow ("mouse elbow"), golfer's elbow
- Hand: wrist instability, thumb saddle joint arthrosis [rhizarthrosis], finger middle joint arthrosis [Bouchard's arthrosis], finger end joint arthrosis [Heberden's arthrosis]
- Knee pain due to tendon overstimulation, irritation condition after meniscus injury and osteoarthritis
- Chronic ankle joint complaints, especially after ligament injury
- Achilles tendon irritation [Achillodynia]
- Pain in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe [hallux rigidus]
- MTSS [shin splints]
- Wound-healing disorder

Neural therapy can have a beneficial effect on:
- Acute and chronic pain syndrome and inflammation of the entire musculoskeletal system
- Residual/complaints after injuries
- Headache: migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain, tension headache, chronic sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, cervical spine syndrome, circulatory disorder of the head.
- functional gastrointestinal disease: irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gastritis
- Allergy (co)treatment
- Gynecological: Dys- or amenorrhea, abdominal cramping, menopausal symptoms, increased discharge.
- Urological: irritable bladder, prostatitis (non-bacterial), prostate enlargement (early stage).
- Internal diseases: Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyroid dysfunction, bronchial asthma

Proliferation Therapy
Proliferation therapy can have a beneficial effect on:
- Chronic deep-seated back pain due to instability, often with "break-through" sensation
- Shoulder pain, also in the acromioclavicular joint
- Elbow: tennis elbow ("mouse elbow"), golfer's elbow
- Hand: wrist instability, thumb saddle joint arthrosis [rhizarthrosis]
- Hip and knee pain due to tendon overstimulation and instability
- Chronic ankle joint complaints, especially after ligament injury
- Partial Achilles tendon tear
- Pain in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe [hallux rigidus]

Shockwave therapy
Shock wave therapy can have a beneficial effect on:
- Calcified foci in the shoulder area [tendinosis calcarea]
- Tennis elbow ("mouse arm") [epicondylitis humeri radialis]
- Golfer's elbow [Epicondylitis humeri ulnaris]
- Achilles tendon pain [Achillodynia]
- Painful heel spur [plantar fasciitis with heel spur]
- Painful patellar tendon insertion [patellar tendinopathy]
- Delayed or absent fracture healing [pseudarthrosis]
- Muscle tension, especially painful neck tension.
- Chronic wounds especially "open leg"